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Happy Feet - Ian Buswell

One of the problems that most people with normal sized feet suffer from is a distinct lack of room in the footwell in both the Locust and the Hornet. My solution to the problem was both simple and cheap and most important of all it works!! (In my Hornet at least!).

Cut a hole at the side of the pedals on the transmission tunnel about 10" by 14" about 1.5" from the floor, common sense will point you in the right direction as to its exact position. Then bend a sheet of aluminium (approx. size 18" by 18") to the shape shown in the diagram below

Pop rivet the closing plate to the end of your aluminium "wedge shape" using a smear of body filler as sealer. Then from inside the foot-well screw the foot-well extension to the inside of the transmission tunnel using B+Q wood repair metal brackets for extra security, as shown below. again using body filler for weather proofing.

In my experience if you can get your fingers in the gap between the bell housing and the footwell extension you should have no problems with vibration / knocking due to engine movement. The whole thing was made and fitted in a morning using just a power jigsaw, for body cutting, a "workmate" for bending and shaping, and normal hand tools, total cost was about £5.50p.


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